
4 01, 2023

Replacing the Safety Sensors on a Garage Door Opener

2023-01-05T19:37:42+00:00January 4th, 2023|Uncategorized|

Happy New Year Everyone - Safety sensors prevent the garage door from closing on a person or an object. One sensor sends an infrared beam while the other sensor receives the infrared beam. First off, your sensors just may need cleaned off, so try to gently remove any dust or dirt first and see if [...]

4 08, 2021

Do my garage door rollers need to be replaced?

2021-08-04T22:57:17+00:00August 4th, 2021|Uncategorized|

How can I tell if my garage door rollers needs to be replaced.  Garage door rollers play a vital roll in the smooth operation of any garage door. They vary in both size and material. In Las Vegas common residential garage door tracks are 2" wide. For 2" tracks you would have a roller that's [...]

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