Yearly Archives: 2021

5 09, 2021

My garage door is making loud noises

2021-09-06T21:47:30+00:00September 5th, 2021|DIY Projects, Residential Doors, Troubleshooting|

A noisy garage door opener is, for some people a slight nuisance, and for others a reason to wake up at night. Some garage door motors are louder then others. Noise levels depend, mostly, on drive-style, gear assembly, and operating speed. Punch angle gauge, door balance, proper maintenance and correct install can also add or [...]

29 08, 2021

The 6 Second Garage Door Break in You can prevent

2021-09-06T21:47:06+00:00August 29th, 2021|DIY Projects, Security|

A home burglary happens over 16 times every day in Las Vegas. The only thing that a thief needs to bust into your garage is a wire hanger, and finally gets into your house. It’s quick and easy and happens often in homes. There are several ways in which you can prevent such an incidence [...]

12 08, 2021

Garage Doors must be Maintained Regularly

2021-08-14T21:58:08+00:00August 12th, 2021|DIY Projects, general Information, Residential Doors|

The average garage door moves up and down more than a thousand times a year. Garages must be maintained regularly to safeguard your vehicles and valuable ones. On constant use, garage doors are prone to deteriorate leading to garage door replacement. If noticed early, you can prolong the life of the garage door. The common signs [...]

4 08, 2021

Do my garage door rollers need to be replaced?

2021-08-04T22:57:17+00:00August 4th, 2021|Uncategorized|

How can I tell if my garage door rollers needs to be replaced.  Garage door rollers play a vital roll in the smooth operation of any garage door. They vary in both size and material. In Las Vegas common residential garage door tracks are 2" wide. For 2" tracks you would have a roller that's [...]

11 07, 2021

Keeping Your Garage Cool in The Summer

2021-07-11T16:48:35+00:00July 11th, 2021|DIY Projects, general Information|

The ridiculously HOT weather we have been having in Las Vegas brings us to thinking about how to keep our garages cooled off.  The high temperatures Las Vegas residents experience year-round have benefits and downsides. It is so important to keep your garage cool when the temperatures rise. Some people like to use their garages [...]

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